Raptor Patrol

Raptor Patrol

The Blue Knight of the bird world

The Blue Knight of the bird world

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Listen to THE JAYHAWKS, "Tommorrow the Green Grass" album

Here's a little something about something I've said long ago:  THE MINNESOTA ALT COUNTRY BAND, KNOWN AS THE JAYHAWKS are pretty good.

This song is "Bad Time"....and shows off their perfect break through album "Tommorrow the Green Grass".

Nice harmonies....no?

These two songs...should lead you to...consider buying this album...or, do what I do when I want to hear a whole album in it's entirety for free...with NO SIGN IN.....JUST LIKE WIKIPEDIA...just go to GROOVESHARK.COM and search something like "The Jayhawks " Tommorrow the Green Grass'"....then wait about five seconds....see an icon that says "play all"...click...and hear one of the best easy listening albums, you probabely never heard of.

This is The Jayhawks playing, probabely their highest charting song, "I'm gonna make you love me" from The Smile album (video is something from some cable TV show...just hear the music).

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Cardinals and Sparrows dining together

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