Raptor Patrol

Raptor Patrol

The Blue Knight of the bird world

The Blue Knight of the bird world

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Spooks try to Control Bloggers telling the truth?

SPOOKS and fag democrats (all part of the controlled opposition/power control group) are passing another enabling law.  This one targets so called "pirate bloggers" who do not run ads?
How is that a problem for the American public?

I would post a link to the story covering this law's movement through the asshole of democracy (Congress) but...NOT SURE what is prohibited when copying and pasting copyrighted material?  What is "fair use" and is "copy and pasting copyrighted material" a new thought crime?

What reporter, would not want his work reviewed or commented upon?

What reporter would not be flattered that his work...reached an audience willing to comment?

Isn't imitation the highest form of flattery, especially when a blogger's intent is to cover the news in pursuit of free speech and instigating political debate?

Doesn't matter...spooks don't like the truth, and they wrote a law to shut down "Hollow Mantras of Cracked Vision: diamond sutras for the doomed".
Can anyone explain how a blog is a threat to national security...if in fact...THE POWER CONTROL GROUP HAS NOTHING TO HIDE, because they've done no wrong?

This new weapon against the truth is an attempt to shut down bloggers.  Most likely, bloggers like me...are specifically targeted.

Something about "pirate sites" and sites that don't advertise....and copy write infringement in which "no economic damage" or "false and misleading portrayal" is ever an issue.  Basically, it allows the government to get a court to shut down a website (especially if free speech is too, too, too dangerous for the fascists).
Apparently...someone didn't like getting outed on my public bulletin board (called a blog)....concerning the SALTED GOLD BARS at Fort Tungsten (new name for Fort Knox).  Ron Paul did read my blog...using copyrighted material to lead to some suspicion that good gold was smelted around tungsten blanks to collateralize debt obligations that Americans have to pay for.  Seems as though the greedy chinks...got swindled.

[Got to core drill all gold now a days...in these strange times.]

Prior to this new Anti Blogger  law reaching congress....I remember a rogue Nevada law firm tied to the spooks, had decided to "buy up copyrighted material" to create jurisdiction for a civil suit.

Lawsuits focusing on copy write infringement in which those with personal jurisdiction "sell their rights" to a rogue right wing law firm who have no "personal beef" or monetary loss to complain about?

Sounds like barratry.

Against the law to solicit clients or lawsuits...doncha know?

The new law castrating bloggers....does not seem to mention "just what is fair use" and what is a violation...and if there is a violation of a copyright IN RELATION TO FAIR USE.  Nor is notice of infringements relevant?

No notice...then no rogue piracy?

JUST WHAT MONETARY DAMAGES COULD ACCRUE if in fact the material is cited and sourced?
Some people think correctly that COPYING IS THE BEST FORM OF FLATTERY....no?

And, with my other blog ("Hollow Mantras of Cracked Vision:diamond sutras for the doomed"), I never profited or ran ads....so....SHOW ME ECONOMIC HARM?

Show me intentional infliction of emotional duress or unfair use as proven by the party with the right not to be infringed?  Want to sue me?  I've got some change in my pocket...have at it.

The courts need to analyze whether or not "copying without profit" or intended harm....is okay if it is part of a political commentary....intended to inform, not profit.  Key facts include "correct sourcing" as part of a political debate and the undefined "fair use" standards.

No profit...no real damages.

What is this con about?

Most people cannot afford attorneys...and are likely to fold.  ACLU HQ is doubly worthless and are unlikely to ever exert themselves since they seem dedicated to "working facts" that they are likely to lose on.

Of course, you'll notice how weak, out of touch, apathetic, and shamelessly indifferent the ACLU HQ is and was....as they do what(?) with literally hundreds of millions of dollars that flowed into their coffers after The Patriot Act was passed.

With millions of dollars collected by ACLU HQ....hardly any of it is used or disbursed to the state reps...who...to this day....have never ONCE SHOWED A PROFESSIONAL CURIOSITY CONCERNING MY FACTS.

A US CITIZEN (Thomas S. Bean) signs and sends a US DOJ OIG COMPLAINT TO SPECIAL AGENTS VAN LANCKER AND MONTE CASSON at Denver and Dallas US DOJ OIG field offices....and.....later....GETS CHIPPED, TORTURED, MIND CONTROLLED, RAT PACKED, STALKED INTERSTATE, and fried with DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS focusing microwave radiation at the target while he is sleeping in his own home or vehicle??????????

ACLU HQ has no curiosity about the constitutional issues???!!!!

ACLU HQ and NATIONAL SECURITY DIVISION has in the past...filed motions to get access to NON US CITIZENS DETAINED OVERSEAS...yet...a US citizen named THOMAS S. BEAN, cannot get THE ACLU TO REVIEW MY FACT PATTERN as part of their right and my right to 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 14th amendment rights?

I would be surprised if THE ACLU litigates this new anti blogger law:  they seem to be pussies, dip shits, and hopelessly out scammed by the military trash who enjoy "piss pounding liberals" with the usual COINTELPRO DIRTY TRICKS.

Cardinals and Sparrows dining together

Cardinals and Sparrows dining together