Raptor Patrol

Raptor Patrol

The Blue Knight of the bird world

The Blue Knight of the bird world

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Wayne Madsen (the only legitimate reporter doing any investigating in D.C.) has corroborated something I knew was suspicious.

ACLU never once offered to discuss with me...any of the facts concerning crimes committed against me by a hodge podge of gutless, secret, felonious, mafia spooks, gang stalkers, FBI agents, and lowlifes sucking on The American Flag (CIA, DOD CIFA UNIT, NSA 902ND COUNTERINTEL GROUP, FBI, DOJ, FBI JFLTTF, INFRAGUARD, NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH...etc.).

These facts are far more damning and easily corroborated then the hopeless stupidity of representing non US CITIZENS detained and taken off of a foreign battlefield: something the ACLU did litigate.  What about US citizens harassed and tortured in their homes (far away from a foreign battlefield)?

ACLU was contacted by me several times in several different states.

NO COMMENT or mention of "all the facts" by THE ACLU'S front man, Anthony Romero.  Romero and ACLU National Security Division knows about my US DOJ OIG complaint (tripping Thomas Tamm's disclosure to James Risen at NYTIMES who broke the story on NSA TSP warrantless wiretapping).


Madsen reads my blog and followed up with questions like, "...so...who bought or extorted ACLU HQ, to prevent exposure from litigating Bean's facts?".

MADSEN'S contacts with the honest spooks led to his recent article confirming the presence of a very dubious money sucking pretendor named GEORGE SOROS.

Looks like Soros bought the ACLU HQ.

 (WMR) -- "A former top-level official of the Justice Department in a past Democratic administration told WMR that House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) was warned away from pursuing impeachment hearings on President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney by top officials of the Democratic National Committee and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) because they may have harmed the election chances for Democratic candidates in 2006 and 2008.

The official said he broke with Conyers over the decision and noted Conyers? own vulnerability to pressure arising from his wife Monica Conyers? criminal investigation by the Justice Department, arising from her dealings as president of the Detroit City Council. Mrs. Conyers was ultimately indicted and convicted on federal corruption charges.

Nevertheless, when House Judiciary Committee chairman Peter Rodino (D-NJ) was faced with intimidation by the Nixon administration over purported mob ties, Rodino ignored the threats and successfully brought about his committee?s approval of impeachment charges against President Nixon in 1974. Nixon resigned before his trial began in the Senate.

While the Democratic Party was known to have cold feet on impeaching Bush and Cheney, the role played by the officially non-partisan ACLU comes as a surprise. But as one former Democratic member of Congress put it, the ACLU receives contributions from fake progressives like George Soros whose missions are to control the agenda of the progressive left."

Cardinals and Sparrows dining together

Cardinals and Sparrows dining together