Raptor Patrol

Raptor Patrol

The Blue Knight of the bird world

The Blue Knight of the bird world

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Art of the Car: Hood Ornaments...at Moab, Utah's 2011 Spring Hot Rod Show

Moab, Utah had their spring Hot Rod show recently.

Bright colors...unique curves....and badges of infinite delusional power, set off by fantasy fetishes....all used to hook the buyer.

Cars from the 50's-60's...seem to be a lot more interesting in the curve department.

And, Hood Ornaments...are largely dead as a styling fetish?

So....to bring it all back, take a look at what used to be.

This is off the hood of an immaculately restored Packard. This is a cormorant bird.

This is a quail from Henry Ford, on a Model A.

Hope CHENEY doesn't get drunk and start shooting Texas lawyers again.

Cardinals and Sparrows dining together

Cardinals and Sparrows dining together