Raptor Patrol

Raptor Patrol

The Blue Knight of the bird world

The Blue Knight of the bird world

Saturday, December 18, 2010


FROM my favorite, funniest, wackiest website....NEWS OF THE WEIRD....absolutely a perfect place to be, when you feel stressed, or need a laugh.....Real true news archived....if only every newspaper in America would contract with this GREAT SITE AND SERVICE...all would be well in NuthouseAmerica.......
 ..."It wasn't pretty, but sheriff's deputies in Montcalm County, Mich., got their man on March 3.

Mark McCuaig, in court on an earlier charge, became unruly and escaped from two different sets of officers (despite a Tasering).

Another court officer tried to stop him outside, but McCuaig got loose (despite being maced).

He locked himself inside a van, but officers surrounded it, broke a window, and Tasered him again, yet couldn't stop McCuaig from driving off.

After a high-speed chase, state troopers disabled his tires with "stop sticks" but couldn't apprehend him before he reached his home, where he barricaded himself.

Officers surrounded the house, and four of them (plus a police dog) entered, but McCuaig escaped and got into another vehicle. Finally, after another chase, he was forced off the road, Tasered a third time, and subdued." [WWMT-TV (Grand Rapids), 3-3-10, WZZM-TV (Grand Rapids), 3-3-10]

Saturday, December 11, 2010

EXILED ON MAIN STREET somewhere in The Mojave Desert

Here I am....late at night...in a great, beautiful...favorite little Nevada casino town on the banks of the Colorado River (Laughlin, Nv).

I do love my favorite state for winter....it's called Nevada....and parts of Arizona.  It's usualy warm and sunny, with a little rain in winter/early spring.

Notice, I qualified my love for Nevada....with a reference to the weather.

I am that way.

I like to walk around with only shorts on in the desert where BLM public lands are the only source of solitude and aloneness for hippster dufous shamans to practise set and settings.

 Nevada...one of the greatest unpopulated (and therefore ruined) states in this lost, hopeless, soulless country. Oddly enough...Nevada has more 9,000 ft peaks, than any other state. The mountains are not as memorable as Colorado...but...the vast open range is what I shoot for and prefer.

 If you do not like noise, the range land is the only place to find that you can study the unbroken silence...
 ...so you can remote view as a cosmic surfer of info that might stun conditioned assumptions that hold us back...from what?

Most Americans....only know Las Vegas....which....sucks down too much attention.

There are better places.

There are always...better towns....than a big, brutal, violent, showy, anti Christ of a city...known as Las Vegas.

I confess........I am a shutterbug. I've tried to "speak with images" thinking that perhaps a "picture is worth a thousand words".  Images are all about mimimization, without the pretense or presumption of mere words.  Words....what good is that when "Acts Not Words" seem more fitting for my path down the road to perdition and back.
Leonard Knight (created "Salvation Mountain" in The California desert) said, "God is Love" and "Keep it Simple".

What could be more simple than...images over words?
I like to shoot photos....of anything...to focus on the beauty...even if....I am in a dusty, Quartzite, Arizona, flea market.

I still like the challenge....like finding this alley Siamese cat cleaning himself in the only available sunlight?

Anyway....LAUGHLIN, NEVADA......is really....a favorite Kerouac, on the fucking road....place for me....I do know a little about this place...having flirted with this town....during my mad cap,
unscheduled...."Go man...Go man" existence.

I know.....what your thinking, "I've never heard of the place...probably a little Vegas or something".

 And...maybe it is. But, it has so much...to offer...so quickly....it works for me...so well. When you first see it....it is just a beautiful journey to get here...ya know. You come down from elevation (either from Kingman, Az, or Neveda side) through the rocky, beauty of The Mojave Desert's Chocolate Mountains.

But...it is something more than that.

It has a small town friendliness to it....and....it...has some impressive neon lights and casino signage.

It is....a really beautiful little town........and I like to walk it in the morning before dusk....when it's quiet.....while I hum Joni Mitchel's song, "Morgantown".
A guy needs something called a "Third Place".

A "Third Place" is....or was...uh....defined by a writer whose name I do not remember....and...uh...well....he seemed to suggest that "The Third Place" is a place you go away from home (First Place) after work (Second Place) like a Kelsey's Bar in Archie Bunker's life.
 A bar....like....Cheers.

A place where....everyone knows your name....and you "can get shitfaced after work"...and no one judges you. Unlike work, with all the back stabbing, and posing....and...."Survivor tricks of survival".....where social masks become a three card Monte of the mind.  The third place is the place where you socialize with booze among your third peer group.  It's a place to socialize without fear.

Anyway, Laughlin has a good third place...open all night and morning for the subterraneans living a lonely, nocturnal life of thought crime (In Nevada casino towns, the booze flows all night into the morning and prostitution is legal, like it should be).

I stayed up all night into the morning...drinking 2 dollar Coors beers.....and......listened to the Stones "Exile on Main street"....over and over again.

The piano.

The piano is so perfect on so many songs (thank you Nicky Hopkins).
 Jagger is at his prime.

The harmonicas....Keith's stunning creativity....a Chicago fusion wall of sound based on Chicago Blues...with Mick Taylor so good....and....these songs...are not known as the Stones hits, but...they are so much better, so better layered....like the washes of soft tint at the hand of a brilliant water colorist.
 And the bluesy, nutty, wacky....American Negro experience type freedom....known as the blues...is all over this amazing gem of a diamond like sutra.
 I cannot sell.......this album more.......but can say.........since I got to it, it blew all Stones albums away......and.....stays with me more than any Beatles album.

Don't know why....Beatles are so sublime....yet....would never leave this album far from my ears....no matter what.
 Almost like a set of mantras...or sutras for the blessed doomed...and, at the time the album (Stones first and only double album) was recorded, The Stones were pushed out of England with heavy handed police frameups, facing years in prison.  The Stones felt they were doomed and disregarded by the authorites, so...they hit the road and left for greener pastures and some freedom (that never came, since The Frence Police raided Keith's rental manor creating more problems that always vexes the best and the brightest).

This album is............Exiled from all other studio albums....and music...

Like a good mantra or sutra...it was an emotional anchor for me.

It did keep me sane....while the world was clearly insane and wrong.

It is that kinky.

It is that perfect, and...hey man....no pretense.

No pretense.

No pretense.

No ego.

No posing.

It is......................................EXILED FROM ALL MAIN STREET, STUDIO, EGO DRIVEN ALBUMS or art.  It is Chicago Blues where The Stones were trying to record "one thing" (a wall of sound).  At this time, no other band had recorded a "wall of sound" with harmonicas, blues piano, electric guitars, and a saxophone.  Nobody.  Blazeing new trails.

No pretense.  Chicago Blues.

From Rolling Stone Magazine's "500 Best Rock and Roll albums", Exile on Main street was listed as the seventh best out of 500 albums.

From the magazine at "http://www.rollingstone.com/music/lists/500-greatest-albums-of-all-time-19691231/exile-on-main-street-the-rolling-stones-19691231":

..." A dirty whirl of blues and boogie, the Rolling Stones' 1972 double LP "was the first grunge record," guitarist Keith Richards crowed proudly last year. But inside the deliberately dense squall — Richards' and Mick Taylor's dogfight riffing, the lusty jump of the Bill Wyman/Charlie Watts rhythm engine, Mick Jagger's caged-animal bark and burned-soul croon — is the Stones' greatest album and Jagger and Richards' definitive songwriting statement of outlaw pride and dedication to grit. 

 In the existential shuffle "Tumbling Dice," the exhausted country beauty "Torn and Frayed" and the whiskey-soaked church of "Shine a Light," you literally hear the Stones in exile: working at Richards' villa in the south of France, on the run from media censure, British drug police (Jagger and Richards already knew the view from behind bars) and the country's onerous tax code.
 The music rattles like battle but also swings with clear purpose — unconditional survival — in "Rocks Off" and "All Down the Line." As Richards explained, "The Stones don't have a home anymore — hence the Exile — but they can still keep it together. Whatever people throw at us, we can still duck, improvise, overcome." 
 Great example: Richards recorded his jubilant romp "Happy" with just producer Jimmy Miller on drums and saxman Bobby Keys — while waiting for the other Stones to turn up for work. Exile on Main Street is the Stones at their fighting best, armed with the blues, playing to win."....

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Wayne Madsen (the only legitimate reporter doing any investigating in D.C.) has corroborated something I knew was suspicious.

ACLU never once offered to discuss with me...any of the facts concerning crimes committed against me by a hodge podge of gutless, secret, felonious, mafia spooks, gang stalkers, FBI agents, and lowlifes sucking on The American Flag (CIA, DOD CIFA UNIT, NSA 902ND COUNTERINTEL GROUP, FBI, DOJ, FBI JFLTTF, INFRAGUARD, NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH...etc.).

These facts are far more damning and easily corroborated then the hopeless stupidity of representing non US CITIZENS detained and taken off of a foreign battlefield: something the ACLU did litigate.  What about US citizens harassed and tortured in their homes (far away from a foreign battlefield)?

ACLU was contacted by me several times in several different states.

NO COMMENT or mention of "all the facts" by THE ACLU'S front man, Anthony Romero.  Romero and ACLU National Security Division knows about my US DOJ OIG complaint (tripping Thomas Tamm's disclosure to James Risen at NYTIMES who broke the story on NSA TSP warrantless wiretapping).


Madsen reads my blog and followed up with questions like, "...so...who bought or extorted ACLU HQ, to prevent exposure from litigating Bean's facts?".

MADSEN'S contacts with the honest spooks led to his recent article confirming the presence of a very dubious money sucking pretendor named GEORGE SOROS.

Looks like Soros bought the ACLU HQ.

 (WMR) -- "A former top-level official of the Justice Department in a past Democratic administration told WMR that House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) was warned away from pursuing impeachment hearings on President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney by top officials of the Democratic National Committee and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) because they may have harmed the election chances for Democratic candidates in 2006 and 2008.

The official said he broke with Conyers over the decision and noted Conyers? own vulnerability to pressure arising from his wife Monica Conyers? criminal investigation by the Justice Department, arising from her dealings as president of the Detroit City Council. Mrs. Conyers was ultimately indicted and convicted on federal corruption charges.

Nevertheless, when House Judiciary Committee chairman Peter Rodino (D-NJ) was faced with intimidation by the Nixon administration over purported mob ties, Rodino ignored the threats and successfully brought about his committee?s approval of impeachment charges against President Nixon in 1974. Nixon resigned before his trial began in the Senate.

While the Democratic Party was known to have cold feet on impeaching Bush and Cheney, the role played by the officially non-partisan ACLU comes as a surprise. But as one former Democratic member of Congress put it, the ACLU receives contributions from fake progressives like George Soros whose missions are to control the agenda of the progressive left."

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Spooks try to Control Bloggers telling the truth?

SPOOKS and fag democrats (all part of the controlled opposition/power control group) are passing another enabling law.  This one targets so called "pirate bloggers" who do not run ads?
How is that a problem for the American public?

I would post a link to the story covering this law's movement through the asshole of democracy (Congress) but...NOT SURE what is prohibited when copying and pasting copyrighted material?  What is "fair use" and is "copy and pasting copyrighted material" a new thought crime?

What reporter, would not want his work reviewed or commented upon?

What reporter would not be flattered that his work...reached an audience willing to comment?

Isn't imitation the highest form of flattery, especially when a blogger's intent is to cover the news in pursuit of free speech and instigating political debate?

Doesn't matter...spooks don't like the truth, and they wrote a law to shut down "Hollow Mantras of Cracked Vision: diamond sutras for the doomed".
Can anyone explain how a blog is a threat to national security...if in fact...THE POWER CONTROL GROUP HAS NOTHING TO HIDE, because they've done no wrong?

This new weapon against the truth is an attempt to shut down bloggers.  Most likely, bloggers like me...are specifically targeted.

Something about "pirate sites" and sites that don't advertise....and copy write infringement in which "no economic damage" or "false and misleading portrayal" is ever an issue.  Basically, it allows the government to get a court to shut down a website (especially if free speech is too, too, too dangerous for the fascists).
Apparently...someone didn't like getting outed on my public bulletin board (called a blog)....concerning the SALTED GOLD BARS at Fort Tungsten (new name for Fort Knox).  Ron Paul did read my blog...using copyrighted material to lead to some suspicion that good gold was smelted around tungsten blanks to collateralize debt obligations that Americans have to pay for.  Seems as though the greedy chinks...got swindled.

[Got to core drill all gold now a days...in these strange times.]

Prior to this new Anti Blogger  law reaching congress....I remember a rogue Nevada law firm tied to the spooks, had decided to "buy up copyrighted material" to create jurisdiction for a civil suit.

Lawsuits focusing on copy write infringement in which those with personal jurisdiction "sell their rights" to a rogue right wing law firm who have no "personal beef" or monetary loss to complain about?

Sounds like barratry.

Against the law to solicit clients or lawsuits...doncha know?

The new law castrating bloggers....does not seem to mention "just what is fair use" and what is a violation...and if there is a violation of a copyright IN RELATION TO FAIR USE.  Nor is notice of infringements relevant?

No notice...then no rogue piracy?

JUST WHAT MONETARY DAMAGES COULD ACCRUE if in fact the material is cited and sourced?
Some people think correctly that COPYING IS THE BEST FORM OF FLATTERY....no?

And, with my other blog ("Hollow Mantras of Cracked Vision:diamond sutras for the doomed"), I never profited or ran ads....so....SHOW ME ECONOMIC HARM?

Show me intentional infliction of emotional duress or unfair use as proven by the party with the right not to be infringed?  Want to sue me?  I've got some change in my pocket...have at it.

The courts need to analyze whether or not "copying without profit" or intended harm....is okay if it is part of a political commentary....intended to inform, not profit.  Key facts include "correct sourcing" as part of a political debate and the undefined "fair use" standards.

No profit...no real damages.

What is this con about?

Most people cannot afford attorneys...and are likely to fold.  ACLU HQ is doubly worthless and are unlikely to ever exert themselves since they seem dedicated to "working facts" that they are likely to lose on.

Of course, you'll notice how weak, out of touch, apathetic, and shamelessly indifferent the ACLU HQ is and was....as they do what(?) with literally hundreds of millions of dollars that flowed into their coffers after The Patriot Act was passed.

With millions of dollars collected by ACLU HQ....hardly any of it is used or disbursed to the state reps...who...to this day....have never ONCE SHOWED A PROFESSIONAL CURIOSITY CONCERNING MY FACTS.

A US CITIZEN (Thomas S. Bean) signs and sends a US DOJ OIG COMPLAINT TO SPECIAL AGENTS VAN LANCKER AND MONTE CASSON at Denver and Dallas US DOJ OIG field offices....and.....later....GETS CHIPPED, TORTURED, MIND CONTROLLED, RAT PACKED, STALKED INTERSTATE, and fried with DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS focusing microwave radiation at the target while he is sleeping in his own home or vehicle??????????

ACLU HQ has no curiosity about the constitutional issues???!!!!

ACLU HQ and NATIONAL SECURITY DIVISION has in the past...filed motions to get access to NON US CITIZENS DETAINED OVERSEAS...yet...a US citizen named THOMAS S. BEAN, cannot get THE ACLU TO REVIEW MY FACT PATTERN as part of their right and my right to 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 14th amendment rights?

I would be surprised if THE ACLU litigates this new anti blogger law:  they seem to be pussies, dip shits, and hopelessly out scammed by the military trash who enjoy "piss pounding liberals" with the usual COINTELPRO DIRTY TRICKS.

Cardinals and Sparrows dining together

Cardinals and Sparrows dining together