Outside of OVERTON, NEVADA.....near the airport go right or to the East...you can to a gravel road gaining a thousand feet or so...to get a look from above the city....on something called MORMON MESA.
BIG MESA above the village.
Hawks hunt this area, and when I was there, a small brownish Ferruginous Hawk dropped a kangaroo rat...and then circled back to find his meal?
On top of the mesa...go all the way East and avoid the very rocky first road to the south....go East then head south on smooth dirt road....you can drive south five miles on a dirt road bordering the Eastern cliff... to get a view of the tip of the mesa...with the Virgin Mountain Wilderness to the East
....Muddy River flowing into Lake Mead
....Lake Mead due south....with the sun setting in the west to light up the mountains in a purple tint.